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Durability as the Cornerstone of Composite and Plastic Molding

Posted by Davies Molding

Apr 10, 2024 2:45:22 PM

In plastic molding, making products that last isn't just a desirable trait—it's essential. Having a component fail on a product, even as small as a knob, can have immeasurable impact on the perceived quality of the product as a whole. Businesses rely on their vendors to create components that will withstand the test of time and ensure reliable performance therefore minimizing the need for costly replacements. A plastic molding company should fully embrace quality before focusing on volume. 

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For over 90 years Davies has been molding custom plastic components for all industries, including lighting, lawn & garden, industrial machinery, medical, oil & gas, and many more. Our compression, injection, and transfer molding capabilities provide tremendous flexibility in part design and production.

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