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Time to Mold a New Intern!

Posted by Marketing Manager at Davies Molding

Jun 21, 2017 9:00:00 AM

We are welcoming a new Summer Marketing Intern, Erin! Erin will be a senior at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in the fall.  She is majoring in Psychology with an Industrial/Organizational concentration and minoring in English.  She loves to travel and just got back from studying abroad in Stockholm, Sweden for the semester.  Erin is originally from La GranErin intern.jpgge, IL.

In her free time, Erin loves to read and sing.  She has been in the Women's Glee Club at the University of Illinois since her freshman year and her a cappella group, Girls Next Door, since her sophomore year. 

Here is what Erin had to say about her internship experience this summer:

Throughout the summer, I am looking forward to seeing the day-to-day operations around Davies Molding and partaking in numerous projects to gain insight into how the business runs.  Interning at Davies is a great opportunity, for I will be able to work on a broad range of projects, which will allow me to gain real-world experience.  There are so many talented employees throughout the company, and they are all very willing to take the time to explain how their jobs work as well as offer advice.  As this is my first internship, I am excited to be at Davies, where I will be working closely with different departments; hopefully, this will give me a better idea of what I want to do after graduation.

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