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Summer Interns, Having a Blast!

Posted by Marketing Manager at Davies Molding

Aug 2, 2016 10:05:39 AM

Summer is coming to an end, which means it's almost time for our interns to head back to school. This year, we had Connor work in our engineering department. We asked him to tell us about his experience. Here's what Connor had to say:


Working at Davies as an engineering intern gave me the opportunity to see how the things I learned at school apply directly in the real world. At Davies, I was able to learn how business works in conjunction with engineering and development, and how engineering is a form of support for the operations that happen here. I was able to strengthen my skills at 3D modeling and received experience working with vendors and product development. Furthermore, I understand the nature of plastics much better than anything I read in a textbook. The most important thing I learned was how incredibly complex manufacturing operations are, and that each department relies heavily on one another in order to ship something as simple as a tiny knob.

Throughout the summer, I spent time with other Heico interns. It was interesting to see their corporate environment from multiple visits, and how a large company like Heico operates. It was a lot of fun to be able to demonstrate what really goes on at companies under the Heico name, and really show off the physical nature of my work at Davies. My peers were able to tour Davies and see where I spend my time each day. I think they got a better understanding of what manufacturing means.

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For over 90 years, Davies has been crafting plastic components for a wide range of industries, including lighting, lawn & garden, industrial machinery, medical, oil & gas, and more. With expertise in compression, injection, and transfer molding, we offer versatile solutions for custom projects and standard parts. Get in touch to explore how we can meet your needs.

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