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See You at the Finish Line

Posted by Marketing Manager at Davies Molding

Sep 19, 2014 1:00:00 PM

Davies Molding is known for compression, thermoset and injection molding, but did you know that we offer a wide variety of secondary operations in our finishing department? Whether your part needs set screw installation, pad printing or special packaging, we have you covered.

Not familiar with what finishing operations entail? They are secondary processes that need to be done to various parts to make them customized for specific needs. Below are the processes that we do in house.

  • Drilling
  • Tapping
  • Reaming
  • Counter Bore
  • Counter Sink
  • Hot Stamping
  • Pad Printing
  • Engraving
  • Laser Engraving
  • Sand, Buff, Polish
  • Set Screw Installation
  • Inlay Installation
  • Special Packing
  • Assembly

If you need additional information about these services, please contact a Davies team member to assist you further We can help you get to the finish line with a great product!



Topics: Finishing Services


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