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OTC Show- Day 2

Posted by Marketing Manager at Davies Molding

May 6, 2015 2:25:15 PM

Well, 2 days down and we are well into day number 3 at OTC2015.  What a great show it has been son far- despite the little rain we experienced yesterday.

We had a day filled with meeting new customers.  It's been great getting to meet so many new people and learning more about each of their businesses.  We look forward to developing these new relationships.

There has been a lot of interest in the new Davies Descender Series.  We have samples to show customers along with frac "stress" balls to hand out.  The feedback to this new line has been positive and we have maintained a high level of confidence in this product for the oil and gas industry.

More to share with you for our day 3 recap.  Stay tuned!


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