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Meet the Davies Molding Team- Tina

Posted by Marketing Manager at Davies Molding

Jun 30, 2015 9:11:18 AM

We have another member of the Davies Molding Customer Service and Order Entry Team that we would like for you to meet.

Tina is our newest customer service representative at Davies.  She grew up in Elgin, IL.  Tina previously studied business management at University of Phoenix and in 2013, she graduated with a Medical Assistant Certificate.

When Tina isn't working, she enjoys spending time with her kids.  She likes to be outdoors and you you will probably find her attending various community events during the weekends.



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For over 90 years Davies has been molding custom plastic components for all industries, including lighting, lawn & garden, industrial machinery, medical, oil & gas, and many more. Our compression, injection, and transfer molding capabilities provide tremendous flexibility in part design and production.

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